Align with Nature
for a world of thriving

You are different than most ~ and always have been.

You have a deep love for the Earth and humanity, and know there is a better way ~ one that brings more life and vitality for people and the planet, rather than extracting it.

You are not content with living a life half-lived or doing work that doesn’t light you up. While others are out chasing success, you are all about fulfillment.

From a young age, you have been seen as a leader ~ drawn into a variety of leadership roles, whether you sought them out or not.

Continually moving beyond your comfort zone and exploring new frontiers, you sense that something has been moving you, guiding you throughout your life.

Even if you can’t see exactly what it is, you know you are here for a purpose that is far bigger than you ~ and yet it's one that requires you and your unique gifts.

Now is the time to embody your true nature, fulfill your mission and thrive.

You are here to birth a new reality. You are a Grail leader.

What is a Grail leader?

With every shift in ages, there’s a very small yet powerful group of true leaders ~ those who expand the bounds of the known world, demonstrating what’s possible by living it.

The world may not see you yet ~ but deep down you know who you are, and so do I....


Soul Song Sanctuary

September 2024 - March 2025

Experience the transformative power of a resonant group in this intimate 6-month incubator where you and other pioneering leaders receive next-level coaching and support in remembering your true nature, you core purpose, and the original intention of all that is being birthed through you.

Early-bird pricing ends August 8th!

Let's Get Started

I bring a unique depth and breadth of practical business experience, embodied wisdom, and intuitive vision to my work with leaders from all over the world. 

Way of Wholeness

A free 3-part video mini-series describing a way forward ~ one where you fulfill your mission and thrive, aligned with Nature's principles of wholeness.


Wholly Grail Quest

A self-study journey through the heroic path of the evolutionary pioneer ~ ushering in peace on Earth as you resolve the war within and come home to your whole self.


Hearthfire Calls

Join me and other pioneering leaders for a free monthly call exploring regenerative leadership and the unfolding journey to embody a world of thriving.


Private Mentoring

Receive 1:1 support from an experienced and intuitive mentor as you and your regenerative vision, business or initiative make the impact you're here to make.


Soul Song Sanctuary

Remember who you are, why you are here, and the original intention of all that wants to be birthed through you in this intimate 6-month group incubator.


Scotland Retreat

Remember and restore your original blueprint as you reconnect with this sacred land and ancient sites that hold powerful spiritual and historical significance.


Let's Get Started

I bring a unique depth and breadth of practical business experience, embodied wisdom, and intuitive vision to my work with leaders from all over the world. 

Choose from a variety of private mentoring, group coaching programs, self-study courses, and retreats ~ all rooted in nature and carefully crafted to support you to live more authentically, lead more regeneratively, and fulfill your mission.


Hi there, I'm Holly.

A whole-systems visionary with an entrepreneur's mind and a heretic’s soul.
And I am devoted to helping you, your initiative and the planet thrive ~ supporting you in aligning with Nature’s principles of harmony, wholeness and abundance.


Join the Community

Blog & Podcast

Subscribe to Regenerating Leadership on Substack to receive my latest blog posts and podcast episodes. Register for free or choose to support my work by upgrading to a paid membership.


Monthly Newsletter

Stay in the know with a monthly roundup of what's been emerging at the roundtable ~ all the latest blog posts, podcast episodes, events, and offerings to support you and your initiatives in thriving.


Hearthfire Calls

Please join me for this free monthly call where I'll answer any questions you may have around nature-based leadership and the journey toward a more regenerative way to live, lead and thrive.


What They're Saying

Julia McDonald

Founder, Pain-Free Living

Collaborating with Holly has been a profoundly transformative experience! Her exceptional ability to hold space, combined with her wisdom, stories, and insights, has led to significant shifts and a deep remembering of my soul's journey.

By bringing my Original Intention to light and aligning my life with it, I have been able to focus my energy and elevate my transformation at warp speed.

Today, I am thriving in my true purpose, surrounded by supportive and loving people. Much of this transformation was nurtured in the moments Holly and I shared.

Ric Pratte

Founder, AVL Digital Nomads

When true leaders bring people together, magic happens. That's exactly what Holly McCann created at our recent strategic planning retreat. As a master of regenerative leadership, Holly guided us on a journey to rediscover our purpose. The energy was apparent as inspiration struck and ideas coalesced into a shared vision for our future. Holly demonstrated that leadership is not a position or title, but rather an act of service. By selflessly leading us to look within, she transformed how we plan to lead others going forward. Our sincere gratitude to Holly for facilitating the connections that remind us of our greater mission. The ripples from her impact will be felt far beyond AVL Digital Nomads.